My mom is 44 years old and she is OK a bit daft at times but that kind of works for me. She isn't too well right now but she is slowly on the mend thank to the help of jollop even if it does make her feel awful. Last year she beat Kan-cer in three places after surgery for one of them and lots of different treatments and it was a long fight for her it has been nearly three years now. She thought WOOOHOO when she was told she was in re-mish-un and her hair came back and everything, just as it was getting long she started to feel hinky again and found out one of her Kan-cers was back again so she started all over again but with a different kind of treatment which is very uncomfy for her and takes it out of her a lot. Luckily I am not too demanding and I know when she needs a special snuggle cos she is feeling icky. Mom says she doesn't know what she would do without me but the feeling is mutual I can tell you, lets face it have you ever tried opening your own dinner food pack ? Blooming hard with tiny paws I can tell you so I think maybe I need her more plus I can't work my shot jabbers with my paws.....bol. Anyway Mom and me are ideally suited as we both need to rest a lot and I know Mom has a ways to go before she is properly better but I love her bald, uncomfy, sad, happy, grumpy, cuddly, silly, funny, crying, moany, sleepy. noisy and even singing Mom and that is just because she is my MOM.